  • Our Windfall Bond account which earns you interest and entry into a monthly free prize draw with a chance to win between £100 and £50,000 is available for new account openings. Currently paying Bank of England Bank rate minus 1%. Further information can be found here.

  • Please note that our 1 Year Fixed Rate Bond (52) and Online Saver (8) have both been withdrawn from sale. Any customers that have recently applied for these accounts will have 15 calendar days to initially fund their account.

  • Mortgage products - On Thursday 30 January 2025, we made changes to our mortgage product range. This included adjustments across our Fixed Rate products for Owner Occupier Interest-Only, as well as Buy to Let.

    The maximum LTV has now increased from 70% to 75% for all UK Landlord (including Offset), Limited Company, Expat Buy to Let products, with Multi-Unit Freehold Blocks (MUFBs) continuing to be capped at 70%.

Preparing for the worst

Are you ready for the unexpected? Recording all your financial details can help your family in the future.

Death and taxes are the two great certainties in life. 

We have lots of experience of the difficulties that are faced by loved ones when there’s a death in the family. Although it's likely to be the last thing on your mind, money is important and if we all put a little planning in place it could be much less of a worry. It could also mean a lot less friction between family members.

Some key questions for us all

  • Have you got an up to date Will?
  • Does your family know where it's kept?
  • Who are the executors and do they know what may be involved?
  • Do you have an end of life care plan that the executors can follow?
  • If you've divorced and remarried, have you made arrangements for children of previous marriages? 
  • Do you need a solicitor, or is a specialist legal services firm more appropriate?
  • Are you the only person who can access your bank account? 
  • Where are the deeds to your house?
  • What are the details of your insurance policies?
  • Is it easy to identify any company shares you own?
  • Is your digital life easy to find and close down?
  • Does your family know how to register a death?
  • What are your wishes for your funeral arrangements?

Families and 'that' conversation

All of these are vital questions and take time for your family to find out when you’re not there.

Shouldn’t we share with our families now what should happen when we’re gone? Let’s get over our natural reticence to talk about our finances, so when it really matters, it’s all very clear and as easy as possible.

How can Family Building Society help?

We have created a 'Record of Finances' document for your executors that allows you to easily record all the financial details so that your family can resolve your estate as smoothly as possible. 

Set out in clear language, the document identifies all the main components of your financial life. All you have to do is get the papers out of your files and copy in the relevant details.

And, as we’re all different there’s scope to build in items that may be specific to you.

You can download the Record for Finances document here. 

If you would like more information please contact our friendly team:

Ask us to call back Email us


Record of Finances for executors

Our Record of Finances document allows you to record all your financial details in one place, helping your executors to resolve your estate smoothly when you pass away.

Real life 'what if' scenarios

Being prepared is important. We've listed some realistic situations which you should consider thinking about and taking some appropriate action.